Be A Better Being
Be A Better Being with Michelle Zellner is all about personal growth. Armed with information and inspiration, Michelle wants YOU to live your healthiest, happiest life. You can also tune into Be A Better Being on YouTube, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Be A Better Being
Navigate Your Healing Journey with Dr. Alice Burron
With a background in exercise science, working many years as a personal trainer, Dr. Burron has always had passion to help people be fit and healthy, but as wellness director at a local hospital, Alice found herself working with people in the midst of a health crisis--often with terminal conditions. One particular client wanted to explore how to improve the end stage of his life and from this the healing powers of our bodies was brought to light. Her approach is one of salutogenesis—the focus on people's potential of sustaining health and well-being rather than on pathogenesis of the disease.
Dr. Burron has an incredible 40-day Healing Journey going on right now. Join the challenge to own your health here!
And, don’t miss out on Michelle’s Heart Health webinar. Register to join live February 8th at 6pm MT or to receive the recorded playback here.
Connect with Dr. Burron:
LinkedIn: Alice Burron
IG: @the.health.navigator
Facebook: The Health Navigator Guide
Connect with us:
IG: @be.a.better.being
Michelle: @betterbeingsus
Sasha: @sasha.patricia
YouTube: Michelle Zellner - Be A Better Being Podcast playlist