Be A Better Being
Be A Better Being with Michelle Zellner is all about personal growth. Armed with information and inspiration, Michelle wants YOU to live your healthiest, happiest life. You can also tune into Be A Better Being on YouTube, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Be A Better Being
Designing the Landscape of Your Life with Astara Raven
Astara Raven spent much of her adult life as an architect and is well-versed in the synergies of landscape and environment. A move from the San Francisco Bay area to Omaha was the catalyst for change, and now as a pragmatic mystic, she utilizes these same skills and gifts to help people get all systems firing and operate at a new frequency. Sasha knows firsthand the power of healing activities and shares her story of how Astara helped guide her out of her darkest days.
As you listen, think about the landscape of your life. If you are feeling unsettled, cracked or stuck, remember, “it only take a minute to change your mind, connect to your heart, and fly yourself to a whole new frequency.” – Astara Raven, How The Stars Tell Time
Connect with Astara:
Schedule a free call to learn more at here contact page! astararaven.love/contact
Find her book How the Stars Tell Time on amazon a.co/d/2F0bGqN
Connect with us:
IG: @be.a.better.being
Michelle: @betterbeingsus
Sasha: @sasha.patricia
YouTube: Michelle Zellner - Be A Better Being Podcast playlist