Be A Better Being
Be A Better Being with Michelle Zellner is all about personal growth. Armed with information and inspiration, Michelle wants YOU to live your healthiest, happiest life. You can also tune into Be A Better Being on YouTube, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Be A Better Being
Growing Through Grief with Alyssa Noelle Coelho
After unexpectedly losing her father in 2017, 21 year-old Alyssa Noelle Coelho spiraled. Having never experienced loss or grief before, she watched many parts of her identity crumble, until she stumbled upon the magic that helped her pursue a healing journey. Alyssa joins Michelle for an uplifting and inspiring conversation about love, loss, grief and learning to live again. This incredibly talented young lady has unleashed her magic in a series of books.
Check out her soon-to-be released, the Alchemy of the Beast in this great video trailer, and pre-order your copy today!
Connect with us:
IG: @be.a.better.being
Michelle: @betterbeingsus
Sasha: @sasha.patricia
YouTube: Michelle Zellner - Be A Better Being Podcast playlist