Be A Better Being
Be A Better Being with Michelle Zellner is all about personal growth. Armed with information and inspiration, Michelle wants YOU to live your healthiest, happiest life. You can also tune into Be A Better Being on YouTube, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Be A Better Being
Awaken Your Ability to Sleep with Seth Davis
Sleep is a foundational necessity for humans, and yet, quite an elusive one for many. As we continue highlighting basic pillars for National Wellness Month, Michelle is joined by Seth Davis, Certified Sleep Coach and founder of Sleepably. The conversation encompasses WHY sleep is critical for optimal wellbeing, WHAT makes it so difficult to achieve quality sleep and HOW to identify and embrace lifestyle habits to improve your chances of a great night of sleep.
To support your journey to a healthier, happier version of you, I created YOU Revolution YOUniversity. You can check out the courses here and then take advantage of these August offers:
50% off enrollment in the Full Tuition option (includes four 1:1 coaching sessions)
Promo Code AUG2023
Free 1:1 coaching session with any individual course purchase
(I’ll reach out when you’ve registered)
Connect with Seth:
IG: @sleepably
Connect with us:
IG: @be.a.better.being
Michelle: @betterbeingsus
Sasha: @sasha.patricia
YouTube: Michelle Zellner - Be A Better Being Podcast playlist