Be A Better Being
Be A Better Being with Michelle Zellner is all about personal growth. Armed with information and inspiration, Michelle wants YOU to live your healthiest, happiest life. You can also tune into Be A Better Being on YouTube, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Be A Better Being
Introducing THE Hannah Pajama with Hannah Rarick (Part One)
Today, Michelle chats with an old client--Hannah Rarick. Hannah first came to Michelle as a stubborn teenager who did not want to change, and Michelle knew she had her work cut out for her. This is the first part of Hannah and Michelle's conversation, so make sure you tune in next week as they reflect on some big changes in Hannah's life--and how she overcame them.
Connect with Hannah:
IG: @thewheelhannahkay
Facebook: Hannah Rarick
Connect with us:
IG: @be.a.better.being
Michelle: @betterbeingsus
Sasha: @sasha.patricia
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