Be A Better Being

From the Newsroom to the Emergency Room with Stroke Survivor Susan Witkin

Michelle Zellner & Sasha Berscheid

Susan did not grow up with the healthiest habits and an accident in childhood created an additional challenge, but as she moved into adulthood, the importance of daily choices became very apparent. Her desire to dig for the facts and educate people to make their own informed choices, not only fueled her news career, but also empowered her to take charge of her health. When she experienced uncomfortable and out-of-the ordinary symptoms, she knew immediately she was having a stroke. Susan’s story is an eye-opener and important message for all.

Connect with us:
IG: @be.a.better.being
Michelle: @betterbeingsus
Sasha: @sasha.patricia
YouTube: Michelle Zellner - Be A Better Being Podcast playlist

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